My Guys Moving Blog - moving tips

Tips for moving with pets or moving with your dog

Top 5 Ways to Prepare for Moving With Pets

Relocating from one home to another can be a difficult transition for movers with pets. Whatever your animal’s temperament, moving with pets can be simplified with the right preparation. The following five tips can get you better prepared for an upcoming move with your animal companion.  1. Update Pet Identification TagsJust as you would never… Read More

Top 6 Time-Saving Tips for Moving

As long distance & local movers, we frequently get asked the question: how to save money on moving? As a courtesy for our customers, we put together a tipsheet: Top 6 Time-Saving Tips for Moving. Move boxes and smaller items to a central ground-level location. We suggest the garage or main living room both of... Read More
winter moving tips

5 Tips for Moving in Winter

Words like moving and blizzard don’t go well together, but as movers in Washington DC, we thought we’d share some winter moving tips as the region digs out from “Snowzilla,” the 4th largest blizzard to hit the Mid-Atlantic that dumped 3.49 billion cubic feet of snow on the Nation’s Capital, according to the Washington Post.... Read More

How to Make Friends in a New City

At My Guys Moving, we can help you through every step of your move from packing to storage to transportation. But once you’re there, we can only do so much to get you acquainted with your new neighborhood. That’s why we made this infographic—to help you get settled into your new city after we leave…. Read More

7 Things To Do Before You Move

Most moving companies say they strive to make your move “less stressful” or “worry-free.” At My Guys, that’s a given! We want to make your move a pleasant, memorable experience! This is a life event, so let’s make the most of it. To do this, we’ve put together a list of things to do BEFORE… Read More

The Top 5 Moving Hacks

Whether you’re moving across the street or across the country, it’s important to pay attention to details and get things done efficiently. But remembering everything can often be difficult in the rush, excitement, and stress of the moving process. While having a plan is key, knowing these shortcuts and hacks can make your life a… Read More